A Story About A Test

January 30, 2018 - 12 Comments

I debut my writing on the MRX website with a story about a test. Well, maybe I should introduce myself first…

My name is Rachel Muthoni, commonly known as Mwalimu Rachel, a media personality. I am also the C.E.O of MRX Media Limited. You can call me:

I am passionate about young people and that is why this company exists.

So earlier today I was conducting a series of interviews for my company. I was looking for someone to fill in the administration and digital management position. This wasn’t the first time to carry out interviews, and to be honest, the previous ones I had sat in were a drag. Almost all C.E.O’s will confess they’d rather their managers or other staff members conduct job interviews. More or less the same questions are asked, more or less the same jargon used as answers ” I am an industrious person who is passionate about this and that, ready to work with little to no supervision, etc.”  Since MRX Media is a start up, I don’t have the luxury of asking other people to conduct these interviews. I have to do it solo for now.

This time however, I was reminded of a test I read somewhere or someone had told me about. I honestly do not remember how I knew about this test but when it came to me, I immediately sprang to action before the interviewees walked into my office.

You see, I was looking for someone who is keen, observant as well as shows initiative-a word I discovered many people have no idea what it means but swear they have! So back to the test. I placed a big, sky blue pen on the floor in the line of sight and directly on the path where the interviewees would walk on to their seat.


I had hoped they would see the pen and pick it up. That would tell me they are keen and show initiative to pick it up and hand it to me. Failure to pick it would show the complete opposite.

The first candidate, a male, walked in. He did not see the pen so naturally did not pick it up. At the end of the interview, I brought it to his attention. He looked at me, blinked, apologised for not spotting it and when we ended the interview, rose from his seat and walked out leaving the pen on the EXACT SAME SPOT!




I cannot make this stuff up! You can only imagine my shock and disbelief! I even laughed about it and immediately crossed him as a worthy candidate for the job.  (There were many other reasons why he did not qualify!)

How I wish I had better results with the interviewees that followed. None of them saw the pen. However, the rest immediately picked it up after realising where it was. A much better reaction.

And so this is why I am writing this story. You are young. You are seeking employment. When going to an interview, or going through life in general, have your eyes open. Be keen. Observe. That way, you will notice a problem and offer a solution that makes you shine even before you get the position.

No longer will I conduct interviews in the same way I have in the past. The new age employer is incorporating new ways of interviewing potential staff, so beware! You will be put to the test even before the job begins.

Ever been to a job interview that required you to do more than the regular answering of questions? How’d that go? Please share below!


Boss Lady.



  • Penny August 20, 2017 at 3:19 pm

    I really think they all saw the pen. They just ignored it coz that’s not what they had come to do -pick up a pen from the floor. ? the first guy however, that’s a special case!

    • Boss Lady. August 21, 2017 at 11:38 am

      Well then they failed the test Penny! No initiative! No attention to detail! That first guy was just special. I literally cracked up after he left. Weeeh! Thanks for being here Penny!

  • Dougie August 21, 2017 at 12:04 am

    First comment! Yaaay!!!

    *clears throat*
    Congrats on your debut piece. It is very informative and quite hilarious (He actually left without picking up the pen!? Haha)

    Well, I noted that,
    You never mentioned whether any of the interviewees actually got the job.
    Are you still carrying out the interviews? If yes, where do I apply?!


    • Boss Lady. August 21, 2017 at 11:36 am

      Hahaha! Hi Dougie! Thanks for reading the article and feedback. I tell you that guy had me SHOCKED! Also, I knew IMMEDIATELY who got the job but suspense muhimu pia. Lol.I will be reaching out to them today. Thank you for showing interest though! Follow @MRXToTheWorld on social media for when we will be adding to the number!

  • Faith August 21, 2017 at 5:11 am

    This is absolutely awesome! Having that attention to detail is a skill not many have but it is trainable? I would definately pass your interview lol. Good job siz.

    • Boss Lady. August 21, 2017 at 11:40 am

      Thank you Sis! Yes,the training part is true. That test really opened my eyes to things we take for granted and naturally expect from employees.

  • Dougie August 21, 2017 at 9:32 am

    First comment! Yaaay!!!
    *clears throat* Heey!
    Congrats on your debut piece! It is very informative and quite humourous (He actually left without picking up the pen?! Haha)
    Well, i noted that you never mentioned whether the interviewees actually got the job.
    Are you still carrying out the interviews? If yes, where can I apply???

  • tony August 26, 2017 at 6:40 pm

    Congrats on the debut writing.great piece asbi learn sonething as much as was laughing..that first guy you interviewed what would be the the best job for him..just thinking..lol!! Thank you madam boss

    • Boss Lady. August 27, 2017 at 6:36 am

      Hi Tony. Glad you liked it! I honestly don’t know what would be the best position for that young lad. He needs to work on himself first in my opinion.

  • Why I'm Glad We Lost Our First Client. – MRX Media August 27, 2017 at 6:56 am

    […] Monday came and you can only imagine how that meeting went down. I was mad. Mad because I knew this was the easiest job we could have done as our first, but we chose to be over confident, second guess ourselves and take too long to act. I had to make changes to my team. A few subtractions here, new additions there, hence THE PEN TEST. […]

  • junior August 28, 2017 at 11:24 am

    That’s a lesson well done ? I’ve learnt to be keen on to small things’

    • Boss Lady. August 28, 2017 at 11:27 am

      Good Junior! Never forget.


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