How often do we take into account planning forward financially? (read saving) Seeing as most folk now need the proverbial nine lives to get over the monster of a disaster that is being broke. It is utterly evident that a few saving tips won’t hurt, all with a view to preventing the recurrence of the notorious hard times. Here’s How!
1. Budgeting
The aforementioned plays an instrumental role in helping you achieve your saving goals. Take into account your spending tendencies for a while (a month, ideally). As such, you will have a crispy picture of where your disposable income went. Then you can decide on the areas to cut down on. For example, there are some luxuries you can forego. Easy peasy, isn’t it?
2. Have Elaborate Goals
Just like any other kind of work (c’mon, saving is work too!), see to it that you have the goals you want to achieve through saving. It could be paying for that mortgage, purchasing some land, a better car, a new house… Pretty much anything! Have your goal (s) set.
3. Learn to Prioritize
When it comes to being money savvy, prioritizing is as good as paramount. Let what you value most sit atop your priority list and vice versa. Let your disposable income only go to what will be of most significance to you, while you overlook the rest. You will be in awe of the saving end result of this.
4. Look into High-Interest Accounts
Savings need not lie idle in a bank. Consider stashing them in a high-interest account. These kind of accounts will see to it that you earn money from your savings.
5. Curtail Unnecessary Spending
In a nutshell, let there be a thick line between what you want and what you need. The latter, and not the former, is what you should attend to. This way, unnecessary expenses will not be incurred… The result? Your guess is as good as mine.
6. How About Leaving Credit Cards Behind When Going Out Into the Town?
Keeping plastic money (credit cards) at bay could as well go a long way in helping you curtail blatant spending. The more you don’t see it, the more you won’t use it and the eventual benefit is that you will have saved money.
7. Read, and Read Some More.
Probably one of the most underrated exercises, reading will not only be a good form of relaxation, but also a knowledge hub. Researching on money-saving tips, the different bank accounts and their perks. Reading is priceless. Besides, you will be making yourself money savvy when you read on the alternatives to reckless spending. And of course, you will save money while at it!
8. Let Saving be a Lifestyle
Practice makes perfect, the old adage goes. Make saving an integral part of you. Let it be something that happens as if on cue. A reflex action is quite something.
You will love the results! Trust me.
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