Most entrepreneurs, regardless of whether they run a big or small business, always want to cut costs and save money. In setting up and running a business, a lot of cash is usually allocated for marketing and communication, be it physical or online. Nowadays, the easiest way of communicating say an event on social media is through a poster then boosting it online so as to reach more people. True or true?
In the past, I have dealt with quite a number of graphic designers who are super good at making all sorts of artwork. Even though most are a bit costly, I usually don’t minding paying as long as the output is of great quality. Sometimes the cash flow is great but other times mfuko hutoboka. I remember there was this time in campus my friends and I were working on an event project where we had to make a flier, print numerous copies and distribute to guys. At the time, we didn’t have cash to pay a graphic designer, manze si unajua campo vile msee saa zengine huwa umesota. Luckily, there was this guy in our group who could design posters even though he wasn’t a graphic designer. Curious, I asked him what app/site he uses to make artwork and he told me he uses Canva. At the time, I didn’t pay much attention, I was just focused on finishing the project.
Flash-forward to 2017 when I started a new job and one of my colleagues used to make some dope posters. To my surprise, he was also using Canva, which is free to some extent btw. I was so intrigued and so I decided to try it out. So basically this is how it works.
Go to https://www.canva.com/
Sign up by selecting a username (email address) and password that you can easily remember.
Choose the design you want to create, be it an Instagram poster, presentation or web banner.
If you want to make an Instagram poster, just click on the template on the screen.
You will be re-directed to a new page where you can select the template that you want to use. There are free templates and pictures while there are other pictures that you have to buy being used on the template. The free ones are indicated as ‘Free’ and the ones that you have to pay for have a ‘$’ sign on them. You can make payment online in case you’re interested.
Once you select the layout that you like, you can play around with the font, colours, background as well as add images by uploading them using the icon indicated as ‘Uploads’.
As soon as you’re done, download your images in PNG format. Usually, they are saved in your downloads folder.
And just like that, you can easily make a poster without paying a cent. Is this something you are interested in or would be willing to try? What other applications or sites do you use for designing artwork? Let me know.
Duncan May 28, 2018 at 11:13 am
Most if not all graphic designers start from here! Haha! We still go back for inspiration 🙂
Gerald Omondi May 29, 2018 at 6:43 am
True true. Haha.