The Danger of Social Media Shaming

February 10, 2017 - 0 Comments

Have you ever followed an interesting hashtag then held back from Tweeting because you are afraid someone might not like what you have to say? How about the fear that a “grammar nazi” or a troll might pick on you one of these days, and your conversation could become a viral screenshot. We often see these scenarios and laugh about them, but when you think about it, social media shaming can be destructive.

Do you remember seeing this on Twitter:

We never did get to hear Justine’s side of the story. Admittedly, this was a dumb joke – except when you hear her explanation, she was making fun of the misconceptions first world countries have about Africa. When Justine sent this tweet, she switched off her phone, fell asleep and woke up 11 hours later when her plane landed. While she was asleep, her whole world had changed.

Here is the story of a girl who tweeted what she intended as a joke and was instantly caught up in a hailstorm!

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