Vijanaa! Make Money from the Plastic Ban!

August 25, 2017 - 1 Comments

As the August 28th deadline for the plastic ban in Kenya approaches, focus shifts to alternative options. The Eco-friendly bags exhibition was held yesterday at Nairobi’s Kenyatta International Conference Center (KICC) which saw a number of exhibitors showcasing their products.

Remember the ban applies to all plastic carrier bags with handles and flat bags (you know, zile za mama mboga). The exemptions include:

  • Material used for industrial primary packaging whereby the product is in direct contact with the plastic material;
  • Self-cringing plastic material used for primary wrapping of some products and this does not include the light plastic bags.

The new law states that, if one is caught carrying a plastic bag, you risk a four-year jail term or a maximum fine of 4 million Kenya shillings.

This creates an opportunity for us! We as the youth have a better chance to be creative, innovative and explore what can make a big impact in the society.



Think about this guys. The Youth Enterprise Development Fund. We can come together and acquire a loan which will go a long way in helping us make customized bags from wool, sisal, cotton or even leather and sell them to the public and companies. That creates a solution to the problem, and more money for us to go out, buy the latest red bottoms and Jordans and finally move out of our parents’ houses.

But a question we must ask ourselves. Is Kenya really ready for this big change?

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  • Why You Should Consider Starting A Movie Shop – MRX Media March 19, 2018 at 2:49 pm

    […] Vijanaa! Make Money from the Plastic Ban! […]


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