Who Do You Follow?

October 21, 2017 - 2 Comments

Hello MRXers!

I am currently in the process of getting good bloggers for this site so bear with the lack of posts of late. It’s never easy getting something off the ground and being consistent.

I recently took stock of my own TL and as much as I was following the funny, cool kids, I saw it necessary to include the motivators, entrepreneurs and probably less famous but impactful personalities who are good in their fields. Why did I do that? to add value to my TL. For balance. I need to know what else is happening out there other than the entertainment scene. As a young entrepreneur, I need to know what @youngentrepreneur is saying, what @michelleNtalami, @darshanChandaria or @youth+ are up to among others.

As a person who will face challenges along the way and need a pick me up every once in a while, I must follow @burale1 @oprah, @iamsteveharvey, @adichiespeaks (Chimamanda Ngozi), @ellen, @gracemsalame among others.

It’s important to look at what YOU NEED from social media instead of always giving to it. Derive something that is of value to you, something to build you, challenge you and grow you. Social media is a good place to have fun, but as young people, let us also get more from it. I want you to now go through your list of followings just as I did. Are they helping you in any way? Perhaps you should add to the list then! Happy hunting.

Who do you follow that you’d say adds value on your TL? Do comment below, I might follow them too!


Boss Lady.



  • Your prince December 7, 2017 at 11:53 am

    @tailopez @jaltucher ‏ @jjeffrose ‏ @cekenduati ‏@HerBusiness1 ‏ @Entrepreneur @garyvee
    I follow these amazing Entrepreneurs on twitter & they sure add much value to my TL

    • Boss Lady. January 4, 2018 at 2:04 pm



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